Saturday, August 29, 2015

Rubber Ducky, You're The One!

I love rubber ducks.  No, really,  it just doesn't get any cuter than a little yellow duck with an orange bill floating in and amongst the bubbles in a warm bath in the jacuzzi.  Ok, it does get cuter--try EIGHTEEN little bright yellow rubber ducks! This pack of 18 mini rubber ducks from Kangaroo is just the perfect whimsical addition to a relaxing soak.

Each little duck is an exact replica of the last, down to the perfectly painted eyes and bright yellow color..  These ducks have a drain hole in the bottom as well, perfect for suctioning and spraying water on whomever is within reach. They float smoothly and stay upright unless force is applied, in which case they can be made to capsize.  ;).  These would be terrific for rubber duck races in the pool or on top of a cake as ducky decor.  For me, however, our tub offers the perfect swimming hole.

Highly recommended for the smile factor alone.

Note:  I received these ducks at no cost for an unbiased and honest review.