Thursday, March 28, 2013

Just a Small Town Geek and High Drama Gadget Queen

I am a gadget queen.  If it has buttons, lights up, spins or plugs in; if it's electronic, connects to the web or plays music; if it projects a picture, takes a photo or prints, I need it.  I don't just "want" it, somewhere deep in my psyche, I NEED it.  At some point, I began to share my gadgets with friends.  From there, I began to share reviews.  Suddenly, I found myself here, blogging those reviews.  As I'm also a makeup fanatic and a voracious reader, it seemed like a natural progression to include those as well.  What?  I'm nothing if not eclectic.  :)  

Feel free to chime in--in fact, I encourage you to agree, disagree, or just say hi.  ;)