Saturday, August 15, 2015

Never Be Without Your Tunes--Great Bluetooth Speaker

This rechargeable Bluetooth speaker has gotten rave reviews from our household of teenagers. In fact, it was at the center of an argument that ended in fisticuffs and a long period of grounding when two of them wanted to use it at the same time--it's just that good.

First, aesthetically, this is an attractive unit. It is a column design with rounded ends and no sharp lines to break the flow of the eye. The sound is fairly good. My husband loves the fact that higher frequencies are clear and crisp. He was also satisfied with the timbre of the bass, though I felt it was missing that "in-your-chest" thump I like to feel.

The buttons are easy to operate--once you find them. I am generally pretty gadget savvy, but finding the charging port and buttons, in spite of the instructions, was a nightmare. On the instructions, it clearly shows that the buttons are located on one end of the column. When looking at the speaker, however, it was initially impossible to determine which end as they are both solid. If you try the wrong end, as I did, you inadvertently peel off a piece of rubber trim that will need to be reglued. The correct end (the one with the silver ring) will allow you to peel back the rubber cover located inside the circle to reveal the controls. I hope that little disclosure saves someone else the frustration I encountered!

Overall, this is a well designed speaker with more than adequate sound quality. Recommended, but with the caveat that instructions to find the controls should be added.

~I was provided a discount on this product, though all views are my own.

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