Friday, August 28, 2015

Oh, The Horror!

If you've ever we experienced the horror of lost keys, this Key Finder by FindiT will ease your mind that it will never happen again! I own two other key finders that purport to be simple. After struggling through the blue tooth pairing and the battery insertion, I would consider them anything BUT simple. This set, however, is a no-hassle, no set-up, no configuring pair of devices.

You receive in the box two items. The first is a thin, credit card sized transmitter. The second is a palm-sized receiver on a key ring. You simply turn on the transmitter (which will then display a small red light on the edge) and press the marked button. The receiving unit will then light and beep. I'm not just talking about a minor bleep", I'm talking about a loud-enough-to-be-effective beep you will most certainly hear. Pressing the button on the receiver will turn it off.

The transmitter is the perfect size to fit in a wallet, so it's never obtrusive or in the way. The receiver is also small enough not to be burdensome when it's attached to your keys. Five big gold stars from me for a product that worked out of the box and did the job it professed to!

Note: I received a discount on this set in exchange for an honest review.

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