Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Beauty Box Sample Society Subscription - April 2013

This is my second month with Sample Society, a $12 beauty subscription box service, and to be honest, I have yet to be impressed.  I don't expect dancing elephants and juggling mice, but I do expect to receive products I feel I can use--or comfortably gift.  Unfortunately, no dancing elephants, juggling mice OR me-friendly stuff in today's little black box.   I've listed the contents for you here, along with my witty (not) narrative.  Feel free to agree or disagree!  For the record, this is labeled box "C".

So....let's look at the box!

One thing I do have to say is that Sample Society makes a great presentation!  The nifty black box is filled with crinkly black paper, and the products themselves sit on a sheet of tissue.  I'm assuming that's due to the complaints last month regarding black "dust" on all the products.

 The first product is a 3g sample of CoTZ FACE Natural Skin Tone.  It's not exactly a generous sample, and, in fact, the card says "Try this 'free' sample".  Fail.

Next was a 2 ml. tube of an anti-aging treatment, Caudalie Premier Cru.  I'm actually anxious to try this, but I'm praying to the makeup gods not to like it, as it's $155.00 for a 1.7 oz. tube! 

The third product pulled from the box was .5 oz tube of Borghese Gel Delicato Makeup Remover.  I've heard good things about this, but I use simple Oil of Olay wipes for a fraction of the cost and find they work just fine!

Fourth on the list is a 10ml tube of Hanskin's Super Magic BB Cream.  I'm not sure why that name just tickles me, but I honest to God giggle every time I read it.  I can't almost hear the board room discussion.  "Let's call it BB Cream!"  "No, let's call it MAGIC BB cream!"  (collective ohhhhh).  Finally, "I've GOT IT!  SUPER Magic BB Cream!"  (Mad applause).   Ok, maybe not.

The next little gem was two hair clips (one barrette and one bobby pin) from Jane Tran.  Cute and useful, but don't these things usually come in pairs?  Ok, when "I" was young....wait, that sounds like my mother.  :: sigh ::

The last product I plucked from the crinkly black paper was a Hanskin Hydro Sheet Mask (obviously named by a different group at Hanskin).  I've read mixed reviews on this one, so it might sit awhile before I give it a go.

As always, there is a code for $15 off of a $50 purchase, providing one of the purchased products is made by one of the brands in the box.  I think this month I'll pass.

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